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Natal Chart Consultation

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Natal Chart Readings - This reading is based upon the planets' positions at the minute of your birth. A life unfolds from this core chart. This picture is your personal map and the blueprint of your life. This is always the first reading you get from me because it addresses such questions as, "Why am I here?”, and “What is my purpose in life?" I believe that all other questions should follow these. A natal chart reading also addresses pressing issues in your life at the time of the reading. I will show you how they relate back to patterns that you have held all of your life and suggest different ways to deal with such patterns now.

"In one hour you have validated my entire life and all of its struggles! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." --Jeri La Shay, Somerville, MA

"Your reading significantly shifted my self-image. I felt like you took a bunch of old rotting furniture out to the curb for me and what was left in my inner landscape was only the authentic parts of who I am with lots of room to dance in the newly created space. I have a whole new perspective on myself and my life and I feel in-the-moment and self-accepting in a way I never have." --Karali Pitzele, Brooklyn, NY

"My reading with Laurence, got me started on what I really want and need to be doing. I am more clear and more energized as a result." --Susan Hoelzer, Milwaukie, OR

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Pre-recorded webinar for instant access

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