Professional & Leadership Coaching
What is archetypal leadership coaching?
Professional coaching is an extended conversation with a specific focus. Dr. Hillman's commitment to you is that he will help you concentrate on whatever the issue is that you as a leader may be facing.
He will show you the archetypal patterns underlying your situation and from there suggest solutions and define measurable goals. Typical topics of that Dr. Hillman may review include
- What is the underlying issue at hand - what is archetypally causing this situation?
- What resources are available for you to come to a resolution?
- What specific tasks need to be lined up and executed?
- How do you align yourself with your job in the most productive way?
Dr. Hillman will help you with an archetypal assessment that offers suggestions and pathways. He will also equip you with a useful set of tools, including practical feedback and expert guidance so you may resolve the issues at hand.
At this time many leaders find themselves in crisis. Global crisis has led to many personal disintegrations. Dr. Hillman sees such change as an opportunity for closer alignment with purpose - both personally and globally.
Complete confidentiality is guaranteed.
Thoughts about Leadership - Where we are today
By definition, leaders need to stay ahead of those who follow them. Times of accelerated change and collapsing systems are both a challenge and an opportunity for leaders. When old ways no longer serve or work, it is the perfect time to reassess leadership as a whole - and a leader's capabilities in particular.
There is still a dominant model that prevails in the world of leadership. This model teaches that business is an all-consuming battle, a fierce conquest where survival of the fittest is rewarded with the spoils of winning more market share. This is a martial model that invokes Mars, the god of war as its heroic emblem. Success is measured by growth in sales. Obliterating the competition, and winning at all cost, with little concern for collateral damage, is the goal.

Left-brain model
The logical command-and-control model of leadership is a left-brain model. It has as its core beliefs ideas that are left brain, such as, "data-driven," "evidence based" and is rational and logical at its core. This approach to decision making, leadership and management emerged as warriors, soldiers who had fought in WWII, returned to civilian life and rose up through corporate ranks as captains of industry.
Today, that "it's a war zone out there" and unless you fight you are not going to survive are ideas that are taken for granted in leadership and organizations. This mindset supports a dog-eat-dog world where we all compete for limited resources.
This model also invites fear. Fear of survival, fear of limited resources, fear of change and fear of government overreach, to name just a few.
There are also dire consequences to following a left-brain model of leadership. For instance, the idea of growth is a mantra that, if questioned, is blasphemous to many. Yet, the logical consequences of growth are one person on every square foot of the earth, an obvious impossibility.
The biggest problem with a left-brain-based leadership model is that it is not suited to respond to complexity. Complexity is a situation where unexpected events are constantly emerging. Complexity is non-linear. To respond to complexity, a leader must have intuition, emotional intelligence, flexibility and above all, imagination. These are right-brain capacities that together make up a leader's yin function. The term yin function serves as shorthand for accessing, recognizing, and implementing certain capabilities that are typically called right-brain, feminine or yin.
A model to explore and develop the yin function
Dr. Hillman has co-created a cutting edge method to explore and develop yin capacities in leaders. This method is based on 10 archetypes.
10 Archetypes

Once Dr. Hillman helps you determine where on a scale from very helpful to very destructive each archetype is operating within the leader, coaching can begin.
Most suitable for
- Crisis Management
“I was doing great in my career and now everything is a mess - what is going on?”
“I am experiencing a personal crisis and it is affecting my work - when will things get better?”
“My company is being targeted for a hostile takeover - how should I best respond?”
- Managing Career Transitions
“I just got made redundant - how do I find something better?”
“Should I take this promotion and when will this window of opportunity close?”
“How do I best prepare my organization for my retirement?”
- Finding Meaningful Work
“I hate my career - is it aligned with what I was meant to do?”
“I want to make a difference in the world with my company - what am I best suited to do?”
“I am retiring from a successful career - how do I best apply my skills and talents now?”
- HR Support
“Is this person suited for this job?”
“I need a leader to help me run my organization. Is this candidate a leader?”
“What style of manager would this person be?”