Personal Development

My approach to personal development

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

—Howard Thurman

Tools I Use

When I work with you, I first connect you with the universe you were born into.  Practically, I map the planetary positions above your birth place and at the moment you took your first breath. Astrologers have done this for thousands of years.

The archetypal map I draw up for you, your birth chart, translates the celestial play that was above you at birth into practical stories about your life. With this chart I am able to lay out and walk you through your personal blueprint. This is an awe-inspiring experience for both of us and after over forty years of working with clients, I am still humbled by how accurate and meaningful these explorations can be.

The astrological component of my work enables us to go deeply and quickly into your deepest motivations and patterns without years of therapy for similar results. Together we focus on your most genuine aspirations. My specialty is helping you align with your deepest soul purpose, with why you came to this world in the first place.

I help you understand your inner depth. This gives you clear and practical choices to act differently - all within the framework of your personality. Clear and imaginative choices allow you to step away from whatever is not working.


We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.

—Carl Jung


Personal development is a conversation between you and me. My language is never judgmental and always full of ideas that allow you to re-imagine anything that is going on in your life. Re-framing and giving a new perspective is one of my specialties. I offer insights into your past and your present, and how to position yourself optimally going forward in a rapidly changing world. Besides archetypal astrology I use ideas from Jungian and archetypal psychology, NLP (Neuro-Linguistics Programming) and transformative learning.


I prepare for our session by first drawing up your natal chart. You prepare by having an open mind, being as rested as you can and ready to do a deep dive into yourself. If you are looking for predictions about your future, quick answers to complex problems or if you are unwilling to look at yourself deeply, then I am not the person for you to work with.

Why you would explore personal development with me

  • You are under particular stress and are looking for a way out
  • You keep falling into the same types of hurtful relationships
  • Your life is changing beyond your control and you need direction
  • You want to know more about yourself and your calling

Mark Rylance

Actor, Oscar Winner, former Artistic Director at Shakespeare's Globe, London

Time and again when I arrive in a new month of my life, when I stand up from my bed to speak in the thicket of my day, Laurence's wonderful ear for the music of the stars, and love for deep places, leads me directly to the river moving through my life. As the Wizard of Oz said from his balloon, "I don't know how it works", but it works for me.


Jeri La Shay

Somerville, MA

In one hour you have validated my entire life and all of its struggles! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


Nancy Margulies

Author, Founder of Mindscapes, Montara, CA

If you want to treat yourself to an amazing experience, to really gain insight into your life and clearly find your purpose, then contact Laurence. His ability to weave his vast knowledge of mythology and psychology into the reading made the experience one of in-depth learning on so many levels.


Mark Kidel

Filmmaker, Writer, Bristol, England

Laurence Hillman has a mercurial ability to seize the moment and dart his way around the complexities of a chart, along with the more earthbound capacity to understand the structure of a person's destiny. The phone consultation - which may in theory seem a little impersonal - works remarkably well and brings intensity and focus to the session. The packing cases that came with you when your spirit was made flesh will never have felt lighter.

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