Organizational Consulting
What is archetypal organizational consulting?
There are two ways that Dr. Hillman works with organizations;
- An in-depth analysis with leadership to review and map the prevailing archetypes in an organization. This allows for profound insights and adjustments for an organization to adapt to a changing environment.
- A company-wide roll-out of an archetypal vocabulary where each person gets their archetypal profile for team building and personal development.
Introducing the archetypal framework to an organization initiates deep understanding of employee behavior. Strengths can be recognized and encouraged and overplayed personality traits can be responded to and effectively toned down. Conflicts can be made less personal because underlying tensions between archetypal patterns, once recognized, can be resolved. All these factors relieve stress with others and foster understanding creating a friendlier and far more effective and productive workplace.
Archetypal thinking... a compelling way to bridge almost exclusively left-brain, masculine, evidence based and data driven decision making that is overwhelmingly the norm in today's organizations. With the archetypal language the left-brain rational approach to solving problems is balanced with imaginative and holistic right-brain capacities.

For over 40 years Dr. Hillman has helped organizations focus on their intentions. In today's global and rapidly changing environment every organization must ask itself if it is still fit for purpose. Dr. Hillman defines success as an alignment with a purpose that is future-fit.
Companies often speak of a “mission” to define why they exist. When Dr. Hillman works with an organization he undertakes a detailed assessment of this focus with all the stakeholders. This goes beyond any statements about what a company thinks it does and looks at what is really being done. Dr. Hillman then works with leadership to develop strategies to re-align the organization with the re-aligned direction.
Dr. Hillman is particularly interested in exploring the following themes with his clients:
- Cultural trends - the complete paradigm shifts in global structures and how to best respond
- Mission and vision statements and how well they align with the archetypes present in an organization. Dr. Hillman is co-creator of Archetypes at Work™ a powerful tool to assess and develop individuals and organizations.
- Executive coaching that helps leaders and teams stay focused and aligned with organizational goals.
- Reviewing why "something went wrong" to prevent a recurrence. Archetypal lenses are particularly useful for this because events are put in a larger context rather than seeking individual blame.