
Hello, I'm Laurence
An archetypal introduction
I have easy access to my imagination where I like to hang out and imagine the archetypal images in others
I like to live at the edge and go to places I have not gone before
I am super organized and plan things out, always setting goals
Being in intimate relationships and having beauty in my environment is paramount to me
I liberate others to be themselves and I liberate myself to be myself
I read people and my environment archetypally all the time and thereby practice James Hillman’s “archetypal eye”
PATHWAY: How I do what I do
I awaken consciousness about the self and the universe. I enable this awakening in others by holding up an archetypal mirror to them.
Care for me means a soul connection based on empathy. I enable it in others by demonstrating it, by caring for and about them.
My creativity comes from being in alignment with source. I enable this in others by encouraging such an alignment and showing them their path to do this.
I aim to lead an exemplary life. I enable this in others by guiding them gently in directions that are often familiar on a soul level but unfamiliar in their practical experiences.
This means doing what your astrological calling (North Node house position) indicates. I enable this in others by helping them recognize and remember their calling. Then I offer ideas about how to turn this alignment into action.
People don’t like to change so I nudge them end entice them and cajole them gently. I enable this in others by demonstrating such behavior rather than pushing people.
I honor myself, I honor people, and I honor my work. I have a deep appreciation for the vulnerability and trust that people show me when I work with them. I respond to that with respect and honoring. By doing so I also show them that I respect myself and my work, elevating it to the highest level of consciousness and humility that I can.
I have been extraordinarily privileged in my life and continue to be so. Much of my good fortunes come from my own doing but a significant amount was given to me along the way. I am deeply grateful for this and want others to know that I do not take anything for granted, rather that I have turned this privilege into a sense of responsibility and urgency to do my part to make the word a better place.
I allow others to see me with my flaws and I am gentle when others show vulnerability and allow me to see them for who they truly are without taking advantage of such insights.
The world and people are communicating all the time in more ways than we even begin to understand. I am receptive to the invisible, inaudible and that which we cannot sense physically. I let it speak to me through my mind and imagination.
I love to give and want to share my bounty and joy. With family, friends and those who trust me with work, I give as much as I can.
Humor is my icebreaker, my method of connection, and a way to enter into private spaces by giving people a physical sensation that breaks down barriers. A laugh is loosening, connecting and gives me huge joy.
Born and raised in Zürich, Switzerland, Dr. Hillman became immersed in archetypes at the age of sixteen and this has remained his passion for 48 years. As a professional archetypal coach, he specializes in helping his clients understand their deeper purpose and their life's calling - especially in these challenging times. In his role as a consultant, he helps leaders and organizations understand their archetypal patterns and advises on high-level decision making in organizations. His tools for mapping archetypes include archetypal astrology for which he is one of the leading voices worldwide.
Dr. Hillman is the co-creator of Archetypes at Work™, a new cutting-edge method to assess and develop people and organizations to become fit for the future.
He has lectured internationally and conducted workshops at the Globe Theatre in London where he blended Shakespeare and Astrology. At the Cycles & Symbols Conference in California, he lectured on Venus in America (co-presented with his father James Hillman). He has also taught at Jean Houston's Mystery School, at Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Findhorn, and he has been a repeated guest lecturer at Washington University in St. Louis. He has taught small study groups and private students across the US. Now, for the first time, he is teaching introductory courses to practical archetypal astrology through Kosmos Institute. He is on the faculty at Astrology University and at Meridian University in Petaluma, CA and also he is also a registered Vistage® speaker.
He is the author of Planets in Play - How to Reimagine Your Life Through the Language of Astrology the co-author of Alignments - How to Live in Harmony with the Universe and also the co-author of Archetypes at Work - Evolving your Story, One Character at a Time.
Dr. Hillman holds a PhD in psychology with a focus on Transformative Leadership, an MBA, an MCM (Masters in Construction Management), as well as a degree in Architecture.
He has traveled extensively in more than forty countries, is fluent in five languages and lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with his wife Cindy.